Our purpose

To build a community of Southern African governing body members and equip them to lead critical boardroom discussions on climate and sustainability.

Corporate Membership

Special offer

Include executives who support your governing bodies’ sustainability decisions

Demonstrate your commitment to and alignment with Chapter Zero principles and support Southern Africa’s  Just Transition

Annual report on governing body member sustainability growth and development in your chosen format (e.g. Integrated Report)



Scope emissions explained


Chapter Zero Energy Guide


The Chairperson’s Guide to Climate Integrity

Become a member

We’re building a community of directors, trustees, accounting officers and other governing body members who understand the business risks and opportunities of climate change.

Join for free to access:

  • Learning opportunities
  • Connections
  • Access to expertise
  • Tailored knowledge

One cannot be prepared for something,
while secretly believing it will not happen.

Nelson Mandela

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